Hi, Evr'body!
This is the page that I took so I could talk about me. As you probbly
know, I love beans! I love beans so much that I wanna tell you a story about
when I got married to the beans.
Anyway, i was datin' my potatoes, when I caught them a-stealin' some of
underwear collection. That made me so mad, so I yelled "Hey potatoes, you
can't take MY underwear, we're breakin' up!" Then I got so sad that
I cried, an' mom hugged me, but I still felt so bad cause there was a hole
my heart the shape of my potatoes. I think I need some ointment!
Yeah, I was feelin' bad, then I ate a baloney sammich. I was sittin' in
Wal-mart cryin' cause I couldn't find my action figure Space Ghost was
talkin' about, an' then all of a sudden, the beans came up to me, and said
"Hey, Brak..." I said "What?" The Beans said "I Love you, Brak!" So I said
"Okay!" an' we got hitched right there in Wal-mart! But then I ate my beans
in my sleep one night. I miss you Beans.
The End!